Did you know that your hair's look and feel is an indication of your overall health? Our Omega-3's: fatty fish, flax seed and walnuts are the best nutrients we can ingest for our hair's well-being. With that said, let's talk about why, as we age, we really need to be high maintenance with our hair.

First, we need to make sure we are using the best shampoo our money can buy. Be sure to avoid any shampoo or conditioner with alcohol in the ingredient list, all it will do is dry out our hair, and "more mature" hair craves moisture. My favorite combination is Kerastase Resistance Bain Volumactive Volumising Shampoo and Conditioner. It's for "fine and vulnerable" hair. I love that it is extremely moisturizing and volumizing at the same time. Please, no flat hair ladies, it makes are faces seem drawn out and thinner, two looks we want to avoid. Pantene also makes a great volumizing shampoo and conditioner as well, and I often go back and forth between the two brands. It's also important to use an intensive conditioner weekly, and for this, Kerastase is my go-to.
To cut or not to cut? That is the question! My opinion is that women in their mid-40's and 50's look best with mid-length hair, not too short (butchy) and not too long (teenager-y). If you do have one of these extremes, just make sure you have some layers around your face, they'll give movment and let light shine through. A shoulder-length, layered look adds fullness, can highlight cheekbones, and looks good on almost everyone. Bangs are also a great option to hide lines and add youthfulness - sideswept and textured bangs look best, a heavy bang is usually not the best option.
Halle Berry
Perfect bangs & Layers
Sharon Stone
Perfectly Short
Holly Hunter
Do I even need to say?
(Too Teenager!)

What's this in my hand? A clump of hair, that's what! Has this happened to you yet? Every once in a while, I get a case of the clumps. Wads of hair come out as I comb my hair after washing, and I'm sure it's hormone related (isn't everything?). Another wonderful aspect of aging...thinning hair. Those layers will definitely help, as will adding some dimension with highlights or lowlights. I also use a thickening spray by Bumble& Bumble that definitely seems to make my hair
feel thicker. It's estimated that up to 30 million women experience hereditary hair loss, losing up to 150 hairs per day, that won't grow back. The only FDA-approved topical solution for hair re-growth is Rogaine. A women's version is on the market now and it can be purchased over-the-counter. Fortunately, I don't think I'm to the point where I need to try Rogaine, but if I am, I won't hesitate. The reviews for Rogaine are mostly positive - has anyone tried it? Liked it? I'd love to know!
So let's talk about hair jewelry...actually, there's not much to talk about..just please don't invest..much. Cutesy plastic colored hairbands, girly barettes, banana clips (yes, on occasion, I do see these), scrunchies (who invented them anyway?) - none of these are acceptable on a more mature women's head. No exceptions! We need to be thinking - stylish, sexy and chic. I do like skinny head bands and silk scarf bands, especially in the summer, and only if you can really pull it off (if it looks weird, it looks weird) and designer pony tail holders (think Louis Vuitton). But that's it. Period. End of discussion.
And, speaking of pony tails - they are a great option for longer hair. The tail will pull skin upwards, make it appear more taut and smooth and is always a classic, elegant, youthful look. Use a covered elastic and wrap a strip of your own hair around it...no accessories neccessary!
Lucy Lui
Perfect 'do
Nicole Kidman
Always Taut
Michelle Pfieffer
Loose, layered, lovely
Raquel Welch
Age 69
Still keeping it modern!
I dont' know who she is, I'm quite sure she is
not remotely close to 40, but I love this look for a mid-40's or 50's 'do.
Halle berry makes me ill. could she be any more perfect? i swear by keratase. I have used their masques everyday for years. Love, love, love!
I love Keratase too but my new favorite is Shu Uemera hair mask. You will LOVE the way it makes your hair feel. They make great hair product although a little pricey.
To Anonymous..
I do love Shu Uemera Hair Spray - my favorite ever, so I will definitely give this a try! Thanks for the tip!
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