DHEA is what we call a "precursor hormone", one that remains latent in the body until it converts to a hormone that our body needs. It can become estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, all so essential for our body's anti-aging defenses to work. DHEA doesn't stop there, it is a potent immunity booster, helps to control auto-immune disorders, and has been shown to possess significant anticancer properties. As the most abundant steroid in our body, DHEA also helps ward off arteriosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation to the brain, prevents fat accumulation, and improves heart function. Need I say more??
My favorite way to eat sweet potatoes is simple...puncture a few times with a fork, bake in a hot (400˚ oven) until you see caramelized potato seeping out of your fork holes, slice open, add a little butter and S&P to taste. Depending on my mood, I might add cinnamon and brown sugar (sweet mood) or chili powder (hot mood). Both are delicious! Sweet potato fries are another quick favorite - I simply slice into strips, add a little olive oil and salt, and bake until done. Of course, make sure to keep the yummy skin on, lots of potent vitamins are in the skin!
When buying sweet potatoes (actually slightly healthier and definitely tastier than cousin yam), avoid ones with blemishes, cracks, soft spots and cuts. Store, uncovered, in a cool, dark spot (always hard for me to find!).
Sweet Potato Fries with rosemary
Add chili powder, paprika, thyme or cinnamon!
So, I'm thinking one a day will keep aging away!
I love a baked sweet potatoe and keep them on hand at all times. I am a sweet girl so I use the brown sugar and butter. I also use these instead of yams at Thanksgiving. So much prettier presentation and everyone loves them. I love all of your healthy reminders, Kathysue
Hi Cindy,
I'm loving your posts!!
Just wanted to let you know that I gave you the sunshine award on my blog tonight so go over and claim it when you get a chance!!
Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!!
~xo always,
Love them so much - knew that they were good for you but didn't know just how good... So am doubly delighted!
Another yam lover! I have at least one a day, smothered with blueberries for the heart-healthy pterostilbenes. Yams also are the most alkaline-forming foods and help keep your body the correct pH. Off to bake a couple. Thanks for the great post :)
yummy... i love these anyway they are cooked... x pam
The quickest most efficient way to consume a food for it's nutrients is through the fast gaining method of liquidizing raw and making it pallatable by adding a sweet fruit to the blender. Try it and see the best results much sooner.
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