With some coaxing from a fellow mom at my son's school, I decided to give this non-impact exercise a try. Coming from ancient India, "yoga" means union of the mind, body and and spirit. Yoga is about living a healthy and lively lifestyle and bringing a balanced approach to everyday life. The postures of yoga are only one part of yoga practice. I've now been practicing yoga for almost 5 years and I can honestly say it has changed my life. My body is stronger, leaner and healthier. My mind is more patient, forgiving and less judgemental. My spirit knows the greatest love comes from loving yourself first. As I approach my quarter century mark, I know that yoga will help to get me there more gracefully and lovingly. There is a 68 year-old woman in my class who practices on a daily basis and whose body could compete with any 30 year-old. Now, that won't be me, but I still hope to be practicing at 68 and beyond. I'll include a lot more on yoga in this blog, but for now, on this first day of 2010, I wish for everyone the joy, hope and peace in your life that yoga can bring. Try a class this year, you might be amazed. The photos below made me wistful for yoga. My practice slowed over the Christmas break ,but my goal is to practice on a more regular basis in 2010. As my beautiful instuctor, Suze Curtis says, "All you need to do is come in and put down your mat." I agree.

So peaceful...

Not as hard as it looks!
She's 50!
Christy Turlington for Gap Red
She's not 50, but I love this photo.
She's 83!
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